Woman in Gaza tortured and separated from children for 54 days by Israeli forces

Beaten, buried alive and strip-searched by Israeli forces. Hadeel Yousef Issa al-Dahdouh, from Gaza, describes her treatment during 54 days of Israeli detention, interrogation and torture. Hadeel says Israeli forces took her away from her two young sons – a four-year-old and a breastfeeding nine-month-old. She says she was put on the back of a military truck with only male detainees. She was then taken to several detention camps inside and outside Gaza and interrogated about the 7 October attack on southern Israel and beaten by Israeli soldiers. The soldiers told her she would be taken for half an hour, but Hadeel says she was detained for 54 days and away from her children for 80 days. Subscribe to our channel: Subscribe to MEE Telegram channel to stay up to date: Middle East Eye Website: Follow us on TikTok: @middleeasteye Follow us on Instagram: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:
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