Swing His Katana Up

Urei You slide forward and he slides back. You take one step forward to the side and cross the katana. The opponent tries to move is katana away, so you follow him and swing it up. Right at that moment, you grab his arm. As a practicing Kata, you back away for your partner. But if you don’t you can immediately stab the opponent. The most important lesson of this Kata is actually the footwork in the beginning, which is extremely difficult to perform correctly. *The content of our videos is based on the teachings of Asayama Ichiden Ryu and personal studies/experience | There is no intention of denying other Ryuha styles, theories, and cultural aspects ▼Join the Online Kobudo Training with Seki Sensei▼ Interested in taking lessons directly from the 22nd headmaster of Kobudo Asayama Ichiden Ryu, Seki sensei? Sign up
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