Habitat Destruction & Why the Term “Rescue“ is Obnoxious
In this episode we film more habitat destruction in South Texas, this time for the purposes of grazing cattle in a desert.
Echinocereus enneacanthus, Coryphantha macromeris runyonii, Ancistrocactus scheeri and others are prevented from being destroyed in this act of senseless bulldozing. Ecotourism possibilities abound here due to the presence of numerous rare birds and cactus species and an abundance of winter texans that would happily pay to see and protect this land, but ranching and cattle are the convention here, and human beings rarely break with convention unless forced to by unforeseen circumstances which are sure to arrrive to the region, eventually.
Thornscrub Sanctuary is a nonprofit entity that protects habitat and educates the public on the ecosystems of South Texas. We protected over 100 acres of Thornscrub Habitat in South Texas so that it can never be destroyed. we provide advice and assistance on lawn-killing and removal and the planting of Native Plant Gardens in people’