Russia Can Be Considered an Asian Civilization, Since it is a Pariah of Europe

Western Europe has always been at odds with Russia and had never accepted Russians as an equal or something worthy of respect. This outcasting of Russia is not a new phenomena, it has been this way for over 300 years. 1549 a German/Austrian noble named Sigismund von Herberstein visited Russia (MOSCOWVY at the time). Herberstein thoroughly described the political and cultural layout of Russia and found it distinctly non-European. The state organization—the absolute power of one person, the submission of the Church to state authority, the state ownership of all property, the servile forms of address to the authority, the military customs—were more Mongol and Chinese than European. So when he placed Muscovy on the map, he located it—culturally as well as geographically—in Asia. This would have wide implications on the Western worldview towards Russia for centuries to come... SOURCES Earlier European writings on Russia describing it as “Asian“ and distinctly not European https://tinyur
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