1939 Flag Day celebration (1939)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Queen Mother conducts a surprise inspection of the Mansion House, and Prime Minister Nevelle Chamberlain attends the first national Flag Day celebration at Mansion House where Lord Nuffield donates money to the International Red Cross Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Mansion House: EXT Chamberlain, Neville & Wife w. Mrs C. buys flags on first National Flag day of the war, FLAG DAYS First national Flag day of the War, Queen, Nuffield Mr & Mrs Chamberlain etc. NUFFIELD, Lord Gives GBP100,000 pounds on flag day - Cheque Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Royalty; Personalities - Business; Personalities - Politicians World War II, World War Two, WWII, Second World War, war, Allies, royal family, philanthropist, philanthropists, philanthropy, Morris Motor Company, William Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffiield, charity, Elizabeth II, homefront, Anne C
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