Whats New In DevTools: Debugging, testing and CSS (Chrome 110 - 112)
Let’s explore some recent debugging, testing and CSS improvements in DevTools (Chrome 110 - 112)!
110 →
111 →
112 →
0:00 Intro
0:20 JavaScript debugging improvements
0:34 Logpoint marking
1:10 Breakpoint UX redesign
1:34 Ignoring the irrelevant files in the stacktrace
2:17 Testing improvements
2:33 Export as Puppeteer script with Lighthouse
2:51 Code view & highlights
3:05 Keyboard shortcuts
3:20 Pierce selectors
3:27 Customize selector types
3:45 CSS improvements
3:56 CSS documentation
4:07 HD color picker
4:35 CSS nesting
5:11 Bonus Tip
5:20 Navigate Performance timeline with WASD
5:32 Page reload from blank
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