Classical Music but you serve the Empire

Ever wonder how Stormtroopers spend their days? Now you know. Listen to classical music and chill. Star Wars Classical Music - Timestamps: Habanera 0:00 Hungarian Dance No. 5 2:00 Peer Gynt Suite No. 4 4:48 Mars, Bringer of War 7:19 Rise of the Valkyries 15:14 Toccata in D minor 20:34 Night on Bald Mountain 23:40 Blue Danebue Waltz 32:00 Adagio for Strings 41:25 Ave Maria 49:31 Also sprach Zarathustra 54:18 Symphony N. 9 New World 55:38 All the music is copyright free - from MUSEOPEN, the youtube library and following three pieces with CC BY 3.0 license: Adagio for Strings: Ave Maria: Also sprach Zarathustra:
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