Synchronicity: Symbolic Guidance for Individuation

Synchronicity: Symbolic Guidance for Individuation. A webinar with Dr. Keiron Le Grice Monday February 1, 2021. C.G. Jung’s theory of synchronicity, referring to the “meaningful coincidence” of an inner experience and an outer event, has radical implications not only for depth psychology, but also for our understanding of the nature of reality at large. At a personal level, synchronistic experiences can provide invaluable guidance for the individual’s life journey, serving as a form of symbolic revelation of the intentions and purposes of the Self in the course of individuation. Join Dr Le Grice to learn more about synchronicity and the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization at Pacifica. “In cases of synchronicity . . . it is as if the cosmos knows what we are thinking and feeling, that the cosmos itself is aware of our personal situation, and seeks, through a symbolic line of communication, to convey a message to us about our life. Consequently, synchronicities are often accompa
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