The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group is an annual conference of elites so secretive it was nameless until being coined “The Bilderberg Group“ after its original meeting place. They first convened in 1954 at the Bilderberg hotel in Holland under direction of Prince Bernhard and David Rockefeller. There is a core of 39 regulars with nearly 130 elites in politics, banking, business, and the media invited each year. It is composed of Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses, Presidents and Prime Ministers from all over the world, IMF/World Bank/Federal Reserve heads, US Senators, CFR members, EU Commissioners, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Journalists, TV News Anchors, CEOs, and more... The following presentation “The Bilderberg Group“ was taken from a chapter in my book “The Atlantean Conspiracy“ available here: Get Connected With Me: Website: Blog: Forum:
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