(458) Who is a Spiritual Master? | Sri Ramana Maharshi | Enlightened Guru Series - Ep 21 - YouTube

Spend Your Time with an Enlightened Guru - Ep 21. Sri Ramana Maharshi answers when a questioner asked, “May one have more than one spiritual master?“. Subscribe to this channel for more spiritual inspiration and wisdom: Excerpt Source info: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi (Book by Munagala S. Venkataramiah) : : About Sri Ramana Maharshi: Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi (1879 - 1950) was a great sage and enlightened guru who lived in Tiruvannamalai, near the holy hill Arunachala in south India. He went there shortly after his unexpected, spontaneous and sudden enlightenment, at the young ag...e of 16. He lived there until his Mahasamadhi (final conscious release from the body at death) on April 14, 1950, at the age of 71. Dr. Carl G. Jung, the world famous psychologist, once said of him: “In all of India, he is the whitest spot in a white space.”. Sri Ramana Maharshi is one of
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