Sprinting Technique - Sprint Faster with a Proper Foot Strike

Get the full sprinting masterclass Learn how to sprint faster by maximizing ground contact and developing a proper foot strike. A common mistake many sprinters make is striking the ground on their toes resulting in massive ankle amortization and increased ground contact times. The goal of these drills is to get the athlete to develop a flat foot strike by overemphasizing landing flat on the heel. The result will be a flat foot strike during sprinting (landing on the forefoot or where the track spikes are). During upright sprinting elite athletes generate between five and ten times more vertical force compared to horizontal force (Seagrave, Mouchbahani, & O’Donnell, 2009). Large forces, applied in a short time, in the right direction, and through the optimal range of motion allow fast sprinters to cover 69% more ground per stride than their slower counterparts. In this lesson Coach Karim teaches the correct techni
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