Debut album from the Rockford, Illinois band. Previously, the members played in the Chicago soul group “The Exceptions.” In August 1968, the group, renamed “Aorta”, with a new, already psychedelic repertoire, under the leadership of producer Bill Traut, released its debut single on the Atlantic Records label. Soon the rights to the group were purchased by the equally reputable label “Columbia Records”. The musicians go to a small recording studio in Sparta (an American town in Michigan). Their self-titled concept album was released on Columbia Records in March 1969 (#167 on the Billboard chart). The group continued to perform and on June 28, 1969, opened the Denver Pop Festival in front of 50,000 spectators, where Jimi Hendrix was the headliner. This was already an undoubted success and a great honor. Next, the group will tour together with Led Zeppelin and Zappa’s The Mothers Of Invention, and perform at New York’s Fillmore East. In parallel with their concert activities, the musicians of “Aorta” also take part in the concert activities of other groups. In particular, Donlinger and Nyeholt were featured in the concert lineup of the cult soul-psychedelic group “The Rotary Connection”. But the sixties are already coming to an end and the group is facing a new decade, which they will celebrate with the release of their second album...
01. Main Vein - 00:00
02. Heart Attack - 02:37
03. What’s In My Mind’s Eye -05:13
04. Magic Bed - 08:06
05. Main Vein II -10:48
06. Sleep Tight — 12:17
07. Catalyptic — 17:01
08. Main Vein III — 20:46
09. Sprinkle Road To Cork Street — 21:28
10. Ode To Missy Mxyzosptlk —24:35
11. Strange — 27:42
12. A Thousand Thoughts - 32:10
13. Thoughts And Feelings/Main Vein IV - 35:59
Jim Donlinger – vocals, guitars, producer
Jim Nyeholt – keyboards, orchestra arrangements
Bobby Jones – bass, vocals
Billy Herman – drums
1 view
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