Мальский Онуфриев монастырь

#di_vito From the Pskov-Izborsk highway, everyone rushes to the Pskov-Caves Monastery, but they let this shrine pass. Malsky Onufriev Monastery, presumably 1471. Founded by the Monk Onufry, stands on the Malskoye lake. Nothing is known about the Monk Onufry himself, except for the date of his death - 1492. In the 15th and 18th centuries the monastery was completely destroyed by the Poles and Swedes, the villains killed the monks. In the era of Catherine II, the monastery was transferred to the “out of place“. Few people know that the Great was so great that it ruined Russian monasteries, having carried out a “reform” - secularization. In fact, the seizure of land from the monasteries. Those who were able to pay the sudden tribute kept their status but were transferred to the classes. I and II still somehow existed, the rest were taken “out of state“, i.e. lost their right to earn money. In such a monastery, the monks were dispersed, and the remaining church was made a parish, i.e. the priest served here only for lay parishioners. So Malsky lost his status. During the years of the USSR, bourgeois Estonia was here. The Pskov-Caves Monastery survived, but Malsky could not be restored and remained a parish, in fact, a cemetery church. Here and now there is a vast cemetery, where local residents consider it an honor to be buried. From under the altar beats a miraculous source. Since 2000, the monastery has been restored as a skete of the Pskov-Caves Monastery. If you subscribe to this channel, it will be very good. Also, check me out here and subscribe too: or here And please - we are raising money for a device for filming a documentary about Fr. David, rector of the Holy Dormition Makarievskaya Hermitage, fundraising here: Save you GOD!
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