Simple 3 ingredient cookies! Without sugar, flour, eggs and milk!

These healthy banana, sesame and sunflower seed cookies are made with just three ingredients! No flour or sugar! Simple and delicious! Ingredients: - 2 bananas - 150 g sesame seeds - 100 g sunflower seeds - Cinnamon to taste Preparation process: 1. Slice the bananas and place them in a food processor. Crush them to the consistency of a paste. 2. Transfer the banana paste to a bowl and add the sesame and sunflower seeds to it. Mix well to ensure that the ingredients are evenly distributed. 3. Add cinnamon to taste 4. Prepare a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Form the mixture into cookie molds. 5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC (350ºF) for 30 minutes, until the cookies are golden. Done!!! Now you have delicious and healthy banana, sesame and sunflower seed cookies to enjoy any time of the day!
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