Roller Skating (1954)

Roller Skating, Chessington Circus in Greater London. C/U Girl (Babs) having strap put round her neck. M/S Man (Ravic) on roller skates starting to skate in circles. He is holding girl by strap, she starts to spin. M/S Girl spinning. L/S Girl spinning, she slowly stops spinning. Man stops skating, takes strap from girl. M/S Crowd watching. C/U Both partners starting to skate again. L/S Skaters, girl is twisting herself as man partner skates in circle holding her. Girl comes back to ground and then starts another trick with man. C/U Skaters about to commence another trick. They skate slowly round in circles man grabs girlโ€™s foot and arm. M/S Man holding girlโ€™s arm and foot and twisting her round. C/U Girl being twisted so that she is nearly touching ground. L/S Girl being twisted, so that she is nearly touching ground. They finish. C/U Crowd. C/U Skaters starting new routine. Man is twisting about so that her head touches the ground. L/S Skate act. Girl puts foot on manโ€™s shoulder, he then lifts his han
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