Israeli airstrikes fuel growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza | DW News

Tensions over Israel’s bombardment of Gaza are boiling over into the other Palestinian territories -- the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem, as well as in Israeli towns with mixed populations. In many places, Palestinian demonstrators have clashed with Israeli ’s the largest show of Palestinian anger since the onset of hostilities between Israel and Gaza militants last week. The frustration comes amid growing international appeals for an end to the fighting, which have so far gone unheeded. The streets of Hebron - full of Palestinian protesters - part of a ’day of anger’ that saw strikes and demonstrations in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. A show of Palestinian unity - shared outrage over the death toll in Gaza and Israeli policy toward the occupied territories. The death toll rose again on both sides on Tuesday. On the Israeli side - rockets from Gaza struck a house used by guest workers in the Israeli town of Eshdod, killing two Thai nationals. The sound of explosion
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