Montgomery Speaks To Troops (1945)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Various shots show General Bernard Montgomery standing on a truck and speaking to British troops through a microphone. The men all rush round to listen, climbing on the roofs of nearby lorries. They all cheer at the end of his speech. Several more shots of troops cheering (posed for the camera). At the end of the speech the men disperse. Soldiers, some wrapped in blankets, stand on the back of an open truck and wave to camera as they are driven off - could be ex-POWs? An army truck driver leans out of his window and gives the thumbs up - ’EX POW’s [sic]’ is written on the door. British soldiers (must be ex-prisoners of war) standing outside a building wave and cheer (quite a heartening sight). Closer shot of the group - some look very worn. General view of a long line of ex-prisoners of war as they all take off their hats and wave them in the air (look like Allied soldiers but difficult to tell - some are wearing German h
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