’Son of Hamas’ Gives Unbelievable Interview on The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Exposes Hamas

Mosab Hassan Youself, “The Son of Hamas,“ gives an unbelievable interview on The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and exposes the truth about Hamas. Watch this whole interview from start to finish because Mosab explains in great detail how this conflict began, why it’s happening, and what needs to be done for it to be resolved. A few of the questions Mosab answers are: - Can you explain what Hamas is, what it’s goal is, and what it does for both the Palestinian people as well as Israel? - Does Hamas actually use it’s citizens as human shields? If yes, can you explain what that practically means? Do they really conduct military operations from schools and hospitals and residential buildings? If yes, why? - Does Hamas have a “pay for slay“ program, in which they pay Hamas terrorists for killing (or taking hostage) innocent Israelis? - Can you explain what those who have been brought up in the west fail to understand about the mindset and cult
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