Liziqi | the wild jujube is ripe

Liziqi channel 小时候我们管这玩意儿叫“鼻涕果”。 那会儿吧,一到果子落地的时节, 起床裤子一提的头件事儿就是奔老屋后捡酸枣吃。 估计是那时没什么零食,就觉得这果儿酸酸甜甜的不能再好吃了! 现在?呵条件越好越矫情,觉得酸了,只得加些冰糖粉做成酸枣糕喽~ When we were little, we called them “snot fruit”. When they ripened, our first thing in the morning was To rush to the backyard and pick up the fallen ones. With few snacks then, we thought these were God’s treat. Now, life is much better, and we’ve become particular about food. Who cares for such sour fruits? Alright, let’s cook them with crystal sugar powder. And bang! Here is sour jujube cake. Subscribe to Liziqi Channel on YouTube: more videos of my channel: Autumn 秋之卷(playlist): Click the link to translate: #LiziqiChannel # LýTửThất #李子柒 #Chinesefood #리즈치
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