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“Psychiatric Nursing: The Nurse-Patient Relationship” (1958) is a nurse training film that underscores the healing powers of the nurse-patient relationship for troubled patients. Produced through a grant from the Mental Health Education Unit, Smith Kline & French and in collaboration with medical professionals from Duke, Rutgers and the Arkansas State Hospital among others, this scripted film follows the story of a trainee nurse, Susan Davis, from her first day on the ward working with her patient Trudy to eight months later when Trudy speaks for the first time. Shot throughout the women’s ward of the New Jersey State Hospital Greystone Park, this film offers valuable historical insight into the attitudes and medical practices towards psychiatric patients.
Austere music plays, woman walks towards hospital, shadows of bare trees criss-cross over the white snow (0:25). Exterior New Jersey State Hospital Greystone Park, opening credits play over footage (1:00). Female patients sit in Adirondack chairs lining wall of hallway in women’s ward of mental hospital (1:39). Staff nurses and patients sit around table doing crafts: embroidery, crochet (2:29). Susan stands beside hospital nurse, both wear typical late-1950s nurse uniform starched white dresses, paper cap (3:05). Disturbed, mute patient, Trudy, bumps into Susan, makes grunting noises continues pacing hallway and twirling hair (3:41). The two nurses step into sparsely decorate office, white board with calendar pinned to it, desk with rotary phone, paper patient case file (5:19). The two nurses meet with the hospital doctor, man in suit and tie goes over case of one of the patients (6:42). Susan sits at desk, concentrates on righting patient report, Susan’s voice narrates and recounts week with one of the patient (7:52). Shared sleeping room in psychiatric ward, plain walls, iron frame beds - Susan approaches patient laying in bed covering their face with sheets (8:03). Narration continues, Susan walks along ward floor passes group of patients congregating, playing board games, reading magazines (11:04). Trudy sits up in bed, Susan approaches, scene framed by small window in door (11:52). Susan begins to talk to patient, patient has averse response and begins to curl away (12:01). Back in nurses’ office, Susan recounts interaction to other nurse (12:45). Susan sits on bed opposite of patient, the pair sit in silence (15:14). Circular fluorescent lights dot ceiling of psychiatric ward, female patients sit in chairs along hallway walls, staff nurses tend to them (16:37). Susan returns to patient in sleeping chambers, patient utters audible response (17:58). Susan returns to patient in sleeping chambers, this time patient is standing, the two walk through halls of the ward together (19:06). Psychiatric aid seen sitting at table with patient, giving her manicure - troubled patient proceeds to get manicure, close-up of nurse using emery board to file down nails (19:20). Susan dances with patients in recreation area, other patient plays piano, offers to dance with disgruntled patient (20:40). Close-up of pairs’ feet, white ankle socks and white perhaps Keds sneakers (22:25). Susan debriefs with doctor in office on patient progress (22:51). Susan struggles to control patient having psychotic break, attempts to physically restrain her (24:10). Patient sits in Adirondack chair in ward hallway, observes other patients and nurse as they play board game (26:54). Nurses prepare patients for visitors day, Susan combs hair of a patient (27:39). Susan relays message to patient that they will have now visitor, patient hunches over in chair and sobs (28:30). Susan, nurses, aides, and doctor convene in nurses’ office - discuss patient’s progress (30:05). Susan writes in report book about relationship with patient (31:36). Nurse does manicure for patient while other patient does fellow patient’s hair (32:05). Black nurse leans over to greet patient in ward hallway (32:37). Susan helps patient get dressed after shower, patient utters first word (32:48). Susan and patient smile to each other, walk ward hallway as narrator offers closing words (34:04).
Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, aka Greystone Psychiatric Park, Greystone Psychiatric Hospital, or the State Asylum for the Insane at Morristown, was located in Morris Plains, NJ. The Kirkbride building seen in the film was demolished in 2015.
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit
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