I’ve No More F***s To Give (With Tom Carradine)

A performance from @bedfringe5891 2022 with @tomcarradine. It was a bit touch and go, but I just about managed hit the high notes! A massive thanks to Lee for jumping up to operate the lyric projection when the foot pedal stopped working! Want to see as playing live together? We’ll be at the Town & Gown in Cambridge on 5th November: Come and see me live in the UK! Follow the link for a full list of dates and venues: #TourDates Or follow me on Bands In Town: If you’d like to get monthly updates on my activities, why not join my mailing list: The Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq. Ukulele... Songbook is now available to buy from my website for £15 in paperback (pre-order) or £8 as a PDF download! It features the lyrics, chords and chord diagrams for 18 original songs, including I’ve No More Fs to Give, I Don’t Want Kids and many more! If you would like to buy one, just follow this link: Paperback Pre-order Digital Download Visit my website to purchase my music, get updates on new releases, shows and to purchase merchandise: ​​ Visit my Dizzyjam shop for even more merchandise: If you have a song suggestion or you’d like to access regular exclusive content, join my Patreon community by following this link: ​​​Instagram - @tombwildesq Twitter - @tombwild Facebook - Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq
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