Brazils coast stretches 7,500 kilometres from the cool temperate waters of the south to the mouth of the Amazon, the equator and beyond, with a large number of remote islands off the coast. Undoubtedly the most formidable is Snake Island. Golden lanceheads the most poisonous snakes on earth populate Snake Island, as many as 5 per square metre. They are specialist killers of migrating birds. Humpback whales migrate up the coast from Antarctica to the tropical seas off Brazil where the mothers give birth and nurse their babies, whilst males, boisterous giants, compete by spectacular displays of acrobatic strength. Spinner dolphins live around the remote Fernando de Noronha Islands. These faraway islands are one of the last places on Earth where octopus and moray eels come out the sea to hunt down crabs. 第4集:天堂海岸 巴西海岸延伸7500公里从南方凉爽的温带水域到位于赤道附近的亚马孙河入海口,拥有大量的偏远岛屿。其中最可怕的无疑是蛇岛(大凯马达岛)。金矛头蝮——地球上最毒的蛇——遍布蛇岛,多达每平方米5条。他们是专业候鸟杀手。座头鲸从南极洲海岸迁移到巴西热带海域,在这里雌性会生产并哺育幼崽,而雄性座头鲸,喧闹的巨人,通过壮观的杂技表演显示竞争优势。飞旋海豚生活在遥远的费尔南多-迪诺罗尼亚群岛。这些遥远的岛屿是地球上最后一个能看见章鱼和鳗鱼脱离海水捕螃蟹的地方
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