The Most Highly Advanced Human Species - Cro Magnon Origins

The Most Highly Advanced Human Species - Cro Magnon Origins Revealed. The Cro-Magnons were members of our own species, Homo sapiens, but it is hard to say precisely where Cro-Magnons belong in human evolution, and It is difficult to determine how long the Cro-Magnons lasted and what exactly happened to them. Presumably they were gradually absorbed into the European populations that came later. Around 40,000 years ago a small band of modern humans replaced the Neanderthals in Western Europe; Those hardy individuals are now known as “Cro Magnons“. The wealth of archeological data left behind by the Cro-Magnons has made it possible for us to learn more about their way of life than about any other group of modern humans living at the same period. Modern research suggests that Cro-Magnons appeared possibly as early as 45,000 years ago, and were the tallest and largest brained humans that ever walked the Earth; Males may have stood 6 feet tall on average with a brain capacity of over 1700 cubic cent
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