Volcanic activity and precipitation records in Europe. Destroying tornadoes. Earthquake in Pakistan

Ash and toxic clouds of the Cumbre Vieja volcano from the Canary island of La Palma have already crossed the Atlantic, reaching Cuba and Puerto Rico. Eruptions are accompanied by increased seismic activity. The release of “burning balls“ began, fragments of spherical rocks, which were formed due to extremely high temperature. The number of destroyed houses is already more than a thousand. At the same time, Canary Television decided not to show footage of destroyed houses on its airwaves anymore. Watch in this broadcast: During the day from the 6th to the 7th of October, the planet was shaken by a cascade of earthquakes. Among them in Croatia with a magnitude of 4.9, in Japan - 5.9, as well as a devastating earthquake in Pakistan. According to the USGS, its magnitude was also 5.9. Dozens of people died and more than 300 were injured.
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