New Year Fireworks in Copacabana 2024 | DJ Vivi Seixas | Eletro House Music | LYD

Dive into the rhythmic waves of Rio de Janeiro with DJ Vivi Seixas on , showcasing a thrilling fusion of Electro Booty and Tech House music. This landmark episode, our first production outside Denmark, captures the essence of Rio’s oceanic splendor and musical vibrancy. Amidst the expansive blue of the Atlantic Ocean, DJ Vivi Seixas crafts an exhilarating mix, where the energetic pulses of Electro Booty meet the deep, resonant vibes of Tech House. Set on a journey along Rio’s captivating coastline, this set is a tribute to the city’s dynamic spirit and its affinity with the sea. Visuals of the boat journey intertwine with the iconic scenes of Rio – the euphoric dance moves of Baile Funk and the grandeur of Copacabana’s New Year fireworks. Each beat and scene encapsulates the city’s nocturnal beauty and festive soul. Prepare for an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of a traditional DJ set. DJ Vivi Seixas invites you to a sonic adventure where the rhythms of Electro Booty and Tech House resonate with the ocean’s timeless allure. 💻 **Watch Now on :** [Insert Video Link] Embark on this oceanic escapade with DJ Vivi Seixas on , where each note is a wave, beckoning you to the heart of Rio’s musical ocean.
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