Poranguí - Ayahuasca (Liquid Bloom and Poranguí Remix) [Official Music Video]

Artist: Poranguí Song: Ayahuasca (Liquid Bloom & Poranguí Remix) Album: Ayahuasca Remixed Label: Desert Trax Release Date: November 3, 2017 To listen to the entire Ayahuasca Remix Song and the new album go to For more information on: Poranguí go to Liquid Bloom go to Ayahuasca Remixed is sonic alchemy from Brazilian-born artist Poranguí, translated through the lenses of visionary producers and DJs and born from a prayer to bridge worlds from the consciousness of the master plant medicine onto the dance floor. It came to life through a meeting and friendship with musician and producer Sahuna Love (aka Shamans Dream Music) and blossomed with the help of Amani Friend of Desert Dwellers / Desert Trax / Liquid Bloom. Each song weaves the medicine of the original, while beckoning listeners to explore and express their prayers or meditations through embodied move
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