The work of sappers of the combined demining detachment

The work of sappers of the combined demining detachment Since the beginning of the year, sappers from the combined demining detachment of the engineering troops of the Russian Forces have neutralized and destroyed about five thousand explosive objects in the Mariupol region of the DPR. Russian sappers continue to work on demining new regions. The combined demining detachment of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has to deal with unexploded artillery shells, undetonated shots from grenade launchers, rockets of MLRS systems, anti-tank mines, remove and take away entire minefields to the training ground, as well as search for and neutralize improvised explosive devices. Each of the squad members understands perfectly the responsibility of their work. Without exception, all collected shells and mines left by the military of the Kiev regime cannot be reused. Many fuses have failed over time. Some devices lay cocked in the ground for a long time, exposed ... Source: Military Wave
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