Crochet Love Heart Wall Hanging 💖

Hello everyone! Sorry (again) that I disappeared for a while! Went through a bit of an art block, and the editing for this video (Which was filmed shortly after the last) just ended up (at the time) being a little overwhelming. I picked it back up and got through it without any issues after a break though! I hope you all enjoy this tutorial (which was meant for Valentines but ended up not being made until long after, whoops) Anyway, I hope you have as much fun making it as I did! I am looking at writing up the pattern for this to put on my blog, let me know in the comments if that is something you would like. I hope you’re all staying safe and remember to practice social distancing and wash your hands! If you have any questions please leave a comment and I will do my best to get back to you! (If comments are disabled please head over to my instagram or my blog to message me there!) Just as a side note I work with American terminology when I crochet, so do
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