National Human Trafficking Awareness Day – January 11th - MerchArts Retail Calendar

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, observed annually on January 11th, focuses on raising awareness about human trafficking, a modern form of slavery. Events and campaigns are organized to educate the public and support victims, emphasizing its global relevance. In the United States and beyond, merchandise promoting awareness and supporting anti-trafficking organizations plays a key role. Such products help fund victim support services and disseminate important information. #HumanTraffickingAwareness #EndModernSlavery #January11 #AwarenessCampaigns #SupportVictims #GlobalIssue #AntiTrafficking #EducatePublic #FundRaising #VictimSupport #HumanTrafficking #RaiseAwareness #MerchandiseForACause #TraffickingPrevention #HumanRights #AwarenessMerch #SocialChange #Empowerment #GlobalSolidarity #Activism #HumanTraffickingSolutions
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