Shrouded Destiny: A Star Wars Long Tale - 4K Full Length Trailer (A Fan Film)

Watch Part I of “Shrouded Destiny: A Star Wars Long Tale - Fan Production“ by following this link: 3 years. More than 300 volunteers. 2 minutes and 49 seconds. A Long Tale from a long time ago in galaxy far, far away.... ABOUT THE EPISODE: My name is Shahbaz Sarwar and I’m a man with a dream. A dream of taking my 16 years of accumulated experience from my time in the film industry and take a shot at getting the attention of Lucasfilm and Disney, so that they will meet with me and my team. The goal? To pitch a unique story in the Star Wars universe that will have the scale of Game of Thrones; the drama of Breaking Bad; the meticulousness of The Wire, and the visceral action of “The Raid“. Coming all the way from Copenhagen, Denmark, it seems like an impossible journey to reach the makers of Star Wars to have that series of conversations so we may make a streaming series that would have a clear cut goal of being one of the landmark events in television history. But if a lifetime of watching Star Wars has taught me anything, it is that you don’t tell me the odds, and a lack of belief in something is the reason we fail. Countless hours have been spent making what you’re watching on a budget of $. In comparison, an episode of The Mandalorian costs anywhere between $10-$15 million! The low cost was only possible, because every single person associated with this film has worked for free. This is a labour of love and it has cost us a lot to make on all other fronts. If you watch this trailer and see something worth supporting or trusting... please, give it a like and a comment, expressing your thoughts. If you have the time and desire, take a look at the other Star Wars videos on the channel, so you can get a greater insight and even take a look at my earlier work to see (hopefully) an evolution as a filmmaker. This mission I’m on with my team is only going to be possible with the help and support of the Star Wars Fan Community. That means you. Like our Facebook Page to show the world that this endeavour is growing in support. We will keep you constantly updated there as well. Nothing comes easy in this life. Your support shouldn’t either, but when my team and I have earned it, I hope you’ll stay with us until whatever end this journey leads us on and will spread the news of this rag tag group of rebels... Sincerely, Shahbaz Sarwar and the Shrouded Destiny Team
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