Relaxing music to restore your health. Listen and change your fate.

Relaxing music to restore your health. Listen and change your fate. Relaxation is a fairly common phenomenon and is understood by everyone in different ways. Therefore, the effect of it can be different: from passive “relaxation“ under meditative music to the cure of a serious disease. The effectiveness of relaxation as a special method has been studied and proven, its possibilities are limitless, but in practice it is mainly used in the following areas: * As a means of relieving muscle “clamps“, accompanied by pain, local fatigue and limited movement. The appearance of painful seals in the muscles of the neck and extremities can be associated with both psychological causes, that is, chronic stress, and with initially physical causes, disorders of the peripheral nervous system (osteochondrosis of the spine, muscle-fascial pain). More often, there are causes of both types that overlap with each other (the “mutual burden“syndrome). * As a way to restore the body’s
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