Title: Sinus lifting-modified BAOSFE technique
Surgical Approach:
1. Dome shape instrument was used to detach sinus membrane from sinus floor. It is very important procedure to prevent perforation when the crestal approach is performing.
2. GBR procedure was done simultaneous with sinus lifting to make better crown/implant ratio and maintenance. OSTEON™ ll Collagen was applied as a graft material for simple procedure.
4 months ago 00:48:32 1
Авто тюнинг ГАЗ Соболь 4х4 (автодом). Автомобиль для активного отдыха, охоты и рыбалки
6 months ago 00:05:50 8
Открытый синус лифтинг с удаление оставленного корня зуба.