Divine Wrath is Collective and without Discrimination?

Does God punish a large part of creation just because of the bad actions of a few people? Why? Q&A Chapters : 00:00 What you have just spoken about is this the rapture as what some people call? 10:38 It seems these days people do a little meditation and then they think they are the Mahdi (as) or Sayyidina Ali (as) or these high personalities is this mental illness or is there some spiritual dress happening? 15:11 A lot of information about Sayyidina Mahdi (as) you just shared is not found in our books. How do we educate ourselves and our families correctly? What you just told us is astonishing. 17:47 Sayyidi in one of your suhbats (discourses) you mentioned that Sayyidina Mahdi (as) has a red dress and beard. Can you please explain what the spiritual meaning...? 21:11 Should we contemplate on being in the presence of mashayikh (spiritual guides) and Rasulallah ﷺ or we should be contemplating on the knowledge we get in the suhbah? How to sync these two? 23:38 The othe
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