The Most Mental Tweet Ever From A Corporate Journalist

The Intercept’s National Security Correspondent, James Risen, won a Pulitzer while at the New York Times for stories he wrote about George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping policies. With that kind of CV, Risen would seem to be the kind of journalist who’d be well aware of the clandestine villainy perpetrated by the CIA, FBI, NSA and other government agencies. Yet Risen recently tweeted, presumably in all sincerity, that the so-called “Deep State” is a myth and a conspiracy theory. Jimmy and Pushback host Aaron Maté express their dismay and bewilderment that such an accomplished journalist could turn out to have brains made of clam chowder. Follow Aaron’s Substack here: Follow Aaron on Twitter: Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter: LIVESTREAM & LIVE
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