How to Relate to Others Who Annoy You

Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman describes how to process situations when others bother you. For instance, in relation to things in a spouse that annoys you, Dr. Laitman responds: “The work is that you have to see the flaws that you see in her, you have to see in yourself. It’s called any flaws that you see in someone, they’re actually your own flaws. If you see something that you dislike about another person, it’s actually due to your own flaws, that were you to correct yourself, and in line with those qualities that you relate to yourself, and so on, then you would have already talked to her nicely, in a good and nice way. You wouldn’t have seen any flaw in her.” -- Taken from New Life episode 1217 -- Take the Free KabU Course to Find True Answers About Life: This course is a journey into understanding life and how all its pieces come together. It aims to give you genuine
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