Lunatic Asylum (1951)

Apennine slopes by the Ligurean Sea, Italy. GV. Exterior lunatic asylum. GV. MV. Elevated pan patients walking about grounds. LV. SV. Patients sitting on terrace & CU (lady with lace tied over face). (2 shots). CU. Pan down inmate making lace. SV. CU. Inmate sewing. LV. SV. Women working in fields. LV. Men working in fields. SCU. Man grooming cow. MV. Inmates leading cows. SV. Woman kneeling on ground making sign of the Cross. SV. Men walking back from fields. SV. Inmates walking towards asylum waving hands. SV. Inmates walking up steps waving hands. CU. Silhouette on wall of couple dancing pan down to inmates sitting on bench. SV. Nursing staff looking on. SCU. Two women dancing in front of clarinettist. SV. Inmates dancing. SCU. Woman sitting by wall. Man sits beside her and kisses her. SV. Inmates looking on. (2 shots). CU. Inmates looking on. (3 shots). SV. Woman sitting on bench. Dancers pass in front (look like they are wearing fancy dress). SCU. Girl dancing alone. (.) FILM ID:
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