Santa is that you?! (Practice Fight) NEESHNATION

When your baking cookies 🍪⏲ and Santa 🎅🏾 sends over his lil helpers too play! 😧🔪🤭🔪🤫Not sure if I’ve been Naughty or Nice this year?! 💁🏽‍♀️ Created by: @neeshation Players: @jayking @iamav Choreo, filmed & Edited by: @guixdasilva Location: Bae’s Crib 🏠 Thank you @joss24k for letting me trash ur place! I only broke one thing! 🤣😘 Lmaooooo Song by: Eartha Kit “Santa Baby” . . . . . . . #stunts #LA #Cali #SantaBaby #MerryChristmas #HappyHolidays #Christmas #Santa #Elfonashelf #Elf #Gifts #toys #naughtyornice #MartialArts #kickboxing #MMA #TGIF #practice #punch #kick #fight #tagafriend #goals #fitness #choreography #videooftheday
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