To Poprad-Tatry with EuroNight Bohemia EN 443 Praha - Humenne in a Sleeping Car
Travelling in Sleeper Car between Ústí nad Labem and Poprad-Tatry; The Sleeper Car was operated by Wagon Slovakia Košice; This Sleeper Car No. 360 is carried by Train R 617 Cheb - Praha hl.n. and by EuroNight Train EN 443 “Bohemia“ Praha hl.n. - Humenné; The journey between Ústí and Poprad takes 9 hours and 42 minutes; We choose a Double Sleeper cabin; The registration of the Wlabmee Sleeper Car is 62 21 71-90 010-2; The Car was manufactured in 1991 by Waggonbau Görlitz; In Slovakia the Train was hauled by the ZSSK 362 009-3 locomotive; Unfortunately no windows can be opened in this car; Moreover, the windows were very dirty, hence, the video quality of the outside scenery is rather blurred; Until 2013 this Through Sleeper Car was carried by Train R 441 “Excelsior“ between Cheb - Košice, however, this Train was cancelled in December of 2014;
ZSSK na vlaku R 443 Bohemia Praha - Humenné
6 years ago 00:23:39 19
Driver’s Eye View - Poprad-Tatry to Starý Smokovec - Narrow Gauge Railway.
7 years ago 00:25:36 4
To Poprad-Tatry with EuroNight Bohemia EN 443 Praha - Humenne in a Sleeping Car