Keep Me Crazy [Mitsuba ♥ Yuichiro]

♪ You’re a pretty little mystery that makes no sense to me ♫ *** Info @ the beginning of the vid. *** Mitsuba Sangū, Yuichiro Hyakuya, this pairing... OMG!! *^* iLOOOOVE them SO much 2gether. She’s not quite my piece of cake (Shinoa ♥) BUT 2gether they’re jux ASDFKNGKENFNKANGLQN LOOOOVE; BTW - iLike Yu’s hair LOADs!~ X3 There’s a lack of AMVs w/ this pairing (which is totally understandable; iMyself was running out of footage) *cough* n there r so many ’serious-face’ scenes D: but iCouldn’t w8, so
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