Most Anticipated Indie Games of 2015

Some of my top indie games of 2015. Omitted some from the list that are in early access at the moment though, just because they’re playable and well developed. list below... The List: Darkest Dungeon - 0:06 Firewatch - 1:45 Hyperlight Drifter - 3:40 No Man’s Sky - 5:27 Hotline Miami 2 9:39 Titan souls - 10:40 Satellite Reign - 11:37 Abzu - 12:30 Everybody’s Gone to Rapture 13:55 Witchmarsh - 14:44 Ori and the Blind Forest - 15:40 Hive Jump - 17:30 Night in the Woods - 19:42 Lovers in a dangerous Spacetime
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