Michael Armstrong: Night Linguistic = No + Eight | Thunderbolts

During the end-phase of the Golden Age mankind lived under the glory of the Saturnian polar configuration. Looking north one could see the reddish Mars in front of the larger blue-green eight-spoked Venus in front of the golden orb of Saturn. In the EU Model of the Saturnian Reconstruction, the linguistic pattern for the word “Night“ being equal to “No Eight“ presents stark and telling support. Its influence on the development of verbal sound-symbol language is dramatic. In twenty or more languages there is an undeniable pattern where the word for “night“ is a contraction of the two words “no“ and “eight“. Most of these languages are derivatives of Indo-European or Sanskrit—and even in those languages where the words and sounds are changed significantly, their reference and pattern is obvious. Natural Philosopher Michael Armstrong challenges the plethora of the world’s variations of Saturn worship—especially the modern mythology of mainstr
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