Watch the assault by airborne units on enemy stronghold

Watch the assault by airborne units on enemy stronghold In the Donetsk direction, units of the Tula paratroopers from the Yuzhnaya group of troops, with the support of aviation and artillery fire, continued to improve the situation along the front line and liberated the village of Vesyoloe, Donetsk People’s Republic. During reconnaissance operations and additional reconnaissance of the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the air, the paratroopers opened the defense system, the main strongholds and fire weapons of the enemy in the village. Merry and on its approaches. As a result of counter-battery fighting, the group’s artillery suppressed the firing positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ artillery and destroyed the exposed control posts. Attack aircraft struck fortified positions and fortifications where Ukrainian Armed Forces militants were hiding. Having demoralized the enemy with precise strikes on control points and suppressing fire weapons, the paratroopers from several directions, under the cover of an armored group on the BMD-2, launched an assault. UAV operators from the air accompanied the attacking units and warned about the newly discovered fire weapons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and mining of the advance routes. Opened fire weapons were immediately destroyed by FPV drone crews and armored group fire. Subsequently, assault groups of the Airborne Forces, using the entire arsenal of small arms, stormed the populated area. The enemy fled, leaving behind the wounded and dead. Some of the militants laid down their arms and surrendered. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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