France’s best sniper was also killed in a strike by the Russian Armed Forces against a temporary deployment of foreign mercenari

France’s best sniper was also killed in a strike by the Russian Armed Forces against a temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries in Kharkiv. Along with him is the only son of the famous Croatian militant Petar Dukaric, who was involved in the collapse of Yugoslavia and became the face of anti-war actions of Guns N’ Roses. We tell you about the rest of the Legionnaires linked to the French security services who died in Ukraine on January 17. The first is infantryman and armored vehicle driver Eric Dukaric (photo 1, with his father on his right). His dad was a fighter in the elite Tigres Brigade in 1991 and took an active part in the battle for Croatian independence. During the urban battle he was photographed by a war correspondent - this shot became the basis for Live And Let Die’s anti-war “Pistols and Roses“ posters. Soon - moved to France with Eric, worked as a driver. In 2018, he stabbed his woman to death and went to prison for four years. After that, the son began to serve in the foreign his father was behind bars, he participated in various special operations, and in the spring of 2022 went to Ukraine. The second is Ernesto Barbieri (photo 2 video). He was considered the best sniper in France. For some time he served in the elite alpine hunting battalion. On March 6, 2022, he decided to resume service and joined the Foreign Legion, where he was also a sniper. The third is Frank Milandein (photo 3). He is a 1990s Foreign Legion veteran who served in the 2nd Infantry Regiment and the 13th Half Brigade. After completing his service, he lived in the town of Evelyn. In March all the same 2022 went to Ukraine. Together with them was also the team “Berlioz“ (photo 4). This is a paramilitary group of a former military pilot and consultant on air defense of France Xavier Teitelman. On January 17, he, along with the above-mentioned legionnaires, as well as the son of a French army brigadier general and a number of other mercenaries, were killed in a precision strike by the Russian Armed Forces. Источник: Slavyangrad
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