News conference with Bush and Putin

(2 Jul 2007) No NAmerica/ Internet SOUND QUALITY AS INCOMING Kennebunkport, Maine - 2 July 2007 1. Pan of two leaders walking towards reporters 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) George W. Bush, US President: “First I would like to congratulate President Putin for being the only person that caught a fish today.“ 3. Cutaway reporters 4. SOUNDBITE: (Russian: followed by English translation) Vladimir Putin, Russian President: “Ah, we caught one fish, but that was a team effort and the medal goes to the captain of the boat.“ 5. Pan from reporters to two leaders 6. SOUNDBITE: (English) George W. Bush, US President: “More than an interesting idea, it is an idea that we are following up on through consultative meetings, which we have started (pause for translation). And as I told you, the President made a very, I thought, constructive and bold strategic move and that is why don’t we broaden the dialogue and include Europe through NATO.“
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