How to define schizophrenia in children? Schizophrenia in children © Детская шизофрения, диагностика

Topics Schizophrenia in children - how to identify, 1974, 16 мин When setting D.S. Schizophrenia conducts family history studies, laboratory data, psychological tests and clinical observations. The totality of the results of these studies helps to identify / exclude typical discriminators Sh: motor (restlessness, negativism), verbal (parano-neologisms, mutism, increased tonality, stereotypes), and behavioral pathopenomena. For differential diagnosis of S. and organic dementia, laboratory tests are carried out (serological, EEG, etc.) However, paramedical research and clinical observations remain more informative. The doctor shows the child the spots of Rorschach, and asks to describe the picture. At first the boy calls “fire“, then “leaves“ and the doctor’s question “Where is the fire?“ Where are the leaves? “ , pokes arbitrarily with a finger in the pictogram .. Pictographs of Rorschach (Austrian psychiatrist, clever big, with a hard fate) are one of the first applied associative tests. Every mental disorder has recognizable perceptions of perception, association, thinking, etc. Such tests help the doctor to orient in what direction to move. In the drawings of children with schizophrenia there are: grotesqueness, distortions, divisions, incompleteness, disorders of the body scheme, sexual preoccupation, violence, concretization, perversion. Simply put, these patients tend to deprive a conditional object inherent in this object properties, or add to the object not peculiar to this object details, functions. As a result, the elementary becomes ridiculous, conditional. The doctor explains the characteristic speech disorder in patients with schizophrenia: they use words not for communication but as toys with which they play by changing them in a random order. The earlier the schizophrenic process begins, the faster the total disability occurs. Very few, even among adult patients, after experiencing one or two episodes in their lives, completely recover. Among the children especially, the first episode and until the end of life a complete disability. ------------------------------- Instead of donations
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