Vedic Love Song | Sanskrit

Love as described in the Atharva Veda 6.8 A few people have been asking about this translation that is from RL Kashyap There is a sense that it is the light of the sun that goes through the heavens and the earth. That light shines everywhere. So there would be the word “light” understood in the translation- “I go around / through your mind ... just as the sun (light) permeates / goes around heaven and earth” यथा वृक्षं लिबुजा समन्तं परिषस्वजे एवा परि ष्वजस्व मां यथा मां कामिन्यसो यथा मन्नापगा असः यथा सुपर्णः प्रपतन् पक्षौ निहन्ति भूम्याम् एवा नि हन्मि ते मनो यथा मां कामिन्यसो यथा मन्नापगा असः यथेमे द्यावापृथिवी सद्यः पर्येति सूर्यः एवा पर्येमि ते मनो यथा मां कामिन्यसो यथा मन्नापगा असः yathā vṛkṣaṃ libujā samantaṃ pariṣasvaje evā pari ṣvajasva māṃ yathā māṃ kāminyaso yathā mannāpagā asaḥ yathā suparṇaḥ prapatan pakṣau nihanti bhūmyām evā ni hanmi te mano yathā māṃ kāminyaso yathā mannāpagā asaḥ yatheme dyāvāpṛthivī sadyaḥ paryeti sūryaḥ evā paryemi te mano yathā māṃ kāminyaso yathā mannāpagā asaḥ Embrace me completely just as a creeper completely embraces a tree May you be the one loving me only, not another may you not go away from me with my mind I attract you just as a bird on the ground beats its wings to go up May you be the one loving me only, not another may you not go away from me I go around your mind just as the sun goes around heaven and earth May you be the one loving me only, not another may you not go away from me Commissioned by Paramjeet to honour his engagement and wedding to Gurpreet. Wishing you a beautiful partnership 💓
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