Content Preview - Hecarim Gameplay

---IMPRESSIONS IN DESCRIPTION--- Some footage of Hecarim from the test realm against another Hecarim who had runes and masteries set up and I did not so keep that in mind when looking at items v.s. damage output. Impressions: • He seems like a jungler through and through he has speed and good enough sustain for the jungle, I personally would never want to lane with him because of the fact his W has a max cap for healing off of minions. • Sheen seems surprisingly good on him, with his Q on exactly a 2 second cooldown and 2 of his abilities (W and Ultimate) having a .8 ratio the ability power isn’t going completely to waste. • His ultimate does not apply fear, it applies a new condition called “Terrified“ which is not decided randomly, you will always run directly away from the point of impact which I like a lot. • His passive’s damage increase is pretty negligible until later levels where it scales up and over doubles the damage that comes from % bonus speed. • I ha
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