TNO Super Events – Post-Poklonskaya (Re-)Reunification Part #2: The Diseased Left

//DISCLAIMER: this video is a work of fiction. Everything depicted coincides with reality without any intent; authors don’t propagandize any ideologies, statements and/or actions portrayed within the video, as well as hate against anyone; this work is purely humor-based and is not warranting any legal action// The following days will feature a daily upload schedule of the rest of the events – culminating into a singular full edit. You have been warned. Ever since one red empire has collapsed – and even some little time before that – the Russian Left have never heard of good times. Conflicts, split-ups, either persecution or fall into obscurity, was all that awaited any leftist instead of class struggle. The movement was weakened – but it proved handy by some. When the Regent started cleansing the Communist and even mildly Socialist movements as an act of atonement for the death of the Princely Martyr, she went over the heads of he largest movements. The only leftists who survived were inform
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