Rottweil - osiedle

Rottweil is a town in southwest Germany in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Rottweil was a Free Imperial City for nearly 600 years. Located between the Black Forest and the Swabian Alps, Rottweil has approximately inhabitants as of 2019. The old town is famous for its medieval center and for its traditional carnival (called “Fasnet“ in the local Swabian dialect). It is the oldest town in Baden-Württemberg, and its appearance has changed very little since the 16th century. Rottweil – miasto powiatowe w Niemczech, w kraju związkowym Badenia-Wirtembergia, w rejencji Fryburg, w regionie Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, siedziba powiatu Rottweil oraz wspólnoty administracyjnej ży nad Neckarem, ok. 80 km na południowy zachód od Stuttgartu.. Miasto jest znane z obchodów karnawałowych (Fastnet) na przełomie lutego i marca.
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