How To Grow Alyssum Flower | SEED TO FLOWER

GROW SWEET ALYSSUM IN POTS | WITH FULL UPDATES USEFUL TIPS : Alyssum flowers are not only beautiful, but they also attract many of the beneficial pests that help you grow a garden. Alyssum, with its tiny flowers, is a vigorous spreader. There are many different cultivars in many different shades and colors. Sweet alyssum plants require full sun to partial shade. Give sweet alyssum at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. Because sweet alyssum is a drought-tolerant plant, avoid giving it too much water. Keep the soil moist but not wet. After sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima) flowers bloom and die, deadhead them to promote more flowers. Some carpet flower varieties set flowers very quickly and bloom multiple times in a season. Types of Sweet Alyssum There are several common varieties of sweet alyssum: ’Easter Bonnet’ ’New Carpet of Snow’ ’Pastel Carpet’ ’Snow Crystals’ ’Snow Princess’ Wonderland mix GROWING SEASON: SEPTEMBER MID TO
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